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Sustainability and Climate Change

With all the gained knowledge A&F professionals have acquired in their trajectories, we can boost companies in their transition into sustainable businesses who are accountable for their impact in the environment.

Sustainable Energies: Energies that can be acquired via natural and virtually inexhaustible sources. Some examples include wind power, geothermal energy, hydroelectric power, tidal energy, solar energy, wave power, biomass and biofuels.
These energies have a growing impact in our economy. A&F can assist in the instrumentation and development of policies involving renewable energy, and in the negotiation of ERNC proyects. We can also assist you in the acquiring of renewable energy and other compliance regulations related to renewable and non-renewable energy.

Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance criteria (ESG): ESG engloves a set of environmental, social and corporate governance standards for a company behavior, used to evaluate a project or an investment.
These standards have gain relevance recently, having companies and investors making decisions based in these criterion.

A&F can be a strategic partner and consultant when formulating policies, implementing regulatory and compliance structures, and financing green and social projects.
Likewise, we have been part of following and implementing the management system following the international standard (ISO, GRI, IIRC, IASB, etc.). We have been a part of certifications that facilitate the access to financing and commercial advantages based on ESG and ODS standards from the United Nations.

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